As the leaves of fall descend upon me,
A new love blooms like the blossoms of spring.
Was it meant for this blooming love to be?
My heart is mending like an old bird’s wing.
A once broken heart is once again whole.
I look into his eyes in puzzlement,
His azure eyes are windows to his soul.
Does he feel the same, this angel heav’n sent?
Sighing, I hope, begging the stars to know.
Our love is not seen or heard, only felt;
Springing up from the ground where seeds do sow.
His eyes drift away, I feel my heart melt.
What can be, what may be, cannot be told,
I love his heart which is as pure as gold.
Aw, Beth look how soft you've gotten! Haha, but, seriously, it's awesome! I really like that sonnet...
That's so cute!! I love it!! Though it is pretty mushy... haha!
>_< Wow... Everyone seems to like it lol. Seriously whenever someone tells me that they've read it, I turn bright red and feel really embarrassed lol. But I haven't had anything to write about in the longest time, so I don't mind the embarrassment too much. I even got the comment that I sound like Stephanie Meyer *shudder*
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