I'm really grateful for my friends who can always make me laugh, even when I feel like I'm never going to laugh again. I'm thankful for the great friends that I have that are willing to lift me up when I fall, and be my crutches when I limp. They make life a lot easier to live, and give my life something worth living for.

I'm grateful for my family who are willing to put up with all my faults and flaws; trust me, I have many. I'm grateful that they are willing to do anything, and the fact that they are willing to do what they think is best for me (no matter how much I protest.) I appreciate that they are completely honest with me, and help me improve so that I can grow up and be a self reliant, "grown up."
I'm thankful for the opportunity to go to school. School is basically my life, and I don't know what I'd do without it! I actually enjoy waking up to every school day (even though I was happy for the break this week.) It gives me a good reason to wake up every day, and it gives me a good reason for working hard.
I'm grateful for the armed forces. Even though I love speaking my new developing language (Chinese), I will still remain patriotic to America. I'm especially glad that America isn't communist like so many other countries. We are blessed with so much freedom, and there are young men and women all over the world, fighting so that we can continue living as we do now; in a safe environment with roofs over our heads.
I'm grateful that I have religion in my life. Without it, I don't know who or where I'd be. Just going to church and being there encourages me to be better and to do better than I'm already doing, even when life is being really tough on me. Church teaches me to have more compassion, to be more giving, and encourages me to be a good example to others.
Now that I've told you a few things that I'm grateful for (and trust me, I could write a list that contains hundreds of things.)Now stop and think about what I've said. What are you grateful for? Keep those thoughts, the first thoughts that popped into your head when you thought of what you are grateful for. Those thoughts will give you strength when you are having a hard time, so keep them in your heart for as long as you can; and at least every day until Thanksgiving is over. Happy Holidays!
I'm grateful for Bether Bether. :D
Well after reading that one thing that im thankful for is YOU because you are awesome and you are the best.
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