Jordan gave me the world's prettiest blue and purple corsage, and we rode in his cousin's sweet green mustang as well. As for Joey himself, he's a nice and funny guy, and he's been one of my best friends since before he moved away in ninth grade (not that that was so long ago or anything.)
Joey picked me up for the day activity the day before the dance at around six o'clock so that we could go to Ethan's house and play games. We played a fun game where you start off with a sentence that you have to draw. The next person has to guess what you've drawn, and the third person must then draw what the second person guessed. It's called Telestration and is actually quite fun. We went from a giant man-eating snake to a "giant man" eating snake, that one made me laugh. I found out that people don't have to be good artists to have fun.
When we'd had our share of fun with the drawing game, we went on a small hike to see the sunset across the lake and behind the mountains. It was so pretty, and the narrowness of the long lake made it look like the water had a large pink eye looking out at us.
The twelve of us went back to Ethan's house again after the hike and we watched "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
I was actually happy that we watched it, because it was my date's favorite movie- and one that we felt totally comfortable watching. Personally my favorite part is when the camera dramatically zooms up on the monks singing a deep-voiced chant. They then jerk their arms up randomly and whack themselves in the face with big wood-blocks. Can anyone say random? It was really fun to watch, and when I got home,my clothes smelled like campfire.
On April 24, we went to Prom at the capital building. I'm sure that most people were surprised to see me in a totally girly, purple, sparkly, ruffled dress, but I rather liked it! I'd almost decided to try and find another dress when the lady in the store made a comment that I looked like a barbie, but luckily I was able to ignore that comment. Besides, most barbies aren't supposedly short-people like me .
After Joey picked me up, we went to a park and his mom took pictures of us. Unfortunately I didn't know what camera to look at and made myself look like a dork, oh well, at least I tried! It made me laugh how excited Joey's little sisters were, I'm sure they'll be more excited when they get to go themselves!
After a really good dinner of shrimp, steak, salad, and rolls, we headed to the dance.
The dance itself was pretty fun! I was a little sad when I ran into my crush, who was dancing rather inappropriately with his date, but that wasn't enough to dampen my spirits for long.
We all went out and sat outside for a while to cool down and take off our shoes. Luckily we went back inside just in time to see the Prom Royalty being announced as they walked down the stairs. It made me happy to see my friend Shannon walking down the steps in her bright red dress, I was glad to have voter her into the royalty because she looked like she was having a blast!
Afterwards, we went to the temple and took pictures; it never fails to amaze me how one building can so brilliantly change the scenery in a city like ours. After pictures, my memory is a little fuzzier because of how late it got. Joey raced Caleb from the parking lot to another house afterward. I hate to admit it, but I was really scared.
The rest of the night was pretty fun, we had ice-cream sandwiches, and I got to play the piano for a bit. I really felt like I was at home as I played my normal repertoire of music including: "Time of Your Life," "Everywhere," "Sonatina," "Harmony of Angels," and my personal favorite, "1,2,3,4."
Here are the pictures from the dance.
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