I was just thinking about it, there are lots of stories and experiences on this blog! But there isn't anything that people could get to know me by, like my favorite color, or my favorite instrument. Here goes!
The Basics
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Green, grey, and blue!
Height: 5'2-5'3ish
Profession: 10th grade student, and awesome band geek ^_^
Relationship Status: I don't really need a relationship, I love all my friends!
Religious Views: Latter Day Saint
My Favorites
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Car: Little Green Ford Focuses
Favorite Movie: Movies are like doritoes, you can't pick just one. I like Spiderman, Elf, Prince Caspian, The Counte of Monte Cristo, and Les Miserables. (My favorite cartoon movie is Hercules.)
Favorite Hobby: Soccer
Favorite Song/Singer: Into the dark (DeathCab for Cutie) Sadly I don't like any of their other songs...
Favorite Book/Author: My favorite book that's not in a series is "Once Upon a Marigold." My favorite series is Harry Potter, (especially the seventh.)
Favorite School Subject: English and World Civilzations
Favorite Vacation Destination: Seaside, Oregon. (It is so beautiful!)
Favorite Food: Chicken Enchiladas
Favorite Animal: My favorite zoo animal is a lion, and my favorite animal in general is probably just a dog.
Favorite Store: Barnes and Noble all the way!
Favorite Childhood Memory: Wow, there are so many. Probably playing with Brea in her back yard with her beagles. Or maybe it was when I finished that mini triathalon in fifth grade.
Favorite Baby Names: I can never think of a girl name, but I really like the names Skyler, Rylie, and Christian.
Favorite Person In Your Life: Smiling! Smiling's my favorite! (Notice how I avoided answering that question, pretty smooth huh?)
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Big Mac or Whopper: Neither, gross!
Coke or Pepsi : Same as above.
Beer or Wine: I will never taste either, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Coffee or Tea: Never tasted either, tea looks pretty gross.
Apple Juice or O.J.: Apple Juice.
Summer or Winter: Summer, (until I get to snowboard)
Cats or Dogs: Dogs all the way!
Rain or Shine : It depends!
Morning or Night: Morning
Movie or Play: Movie
Walk or Drive: Walk
Forgiveness or Revenge: Forgiveness, even though it's harder. (Take a lesson from La Compte de Monte Cristo!)
Paint or Wallpaper: Paint
Do You?
Have Any Pets: Two pomeranians that love to bark!
Have Any Children: Um... If my friends count, I have to act like their mother sometimes, it's all good though!
Smoke: No!
Drink: No!
Exercise: Yes, at least every other day. And my favorite form of excersize is tackling in soccer.
Play On A Sports Team: Yes, go Envy! And I count marching band as a sport, thank you very much!
Belong To Any Organizations: "Who's got the best band anywhere?!" "DHS!!!" "Band dismissed..." "Davis!!!!"
Like To Cook: Mmm hmm! ("Mmm" especially when I have time to cook.)
Play An Instrument: Flute, Piano, Baritone, ocarina, a bit of harmonica, improving on drums, and I can play very little guitar (thank you Jordan!)
Sing: If you want to hear a good impersenation of William Hung, sure!
Dance: At dances, (well duh!) But only with a partner, it's weird dancing by myself.
Speak Multiple Languages: Wo shi Zhong guo ren, wo bu shi Mei guo ren! Haha, totally kidding, but I am trying to learn Chinese. I know a little bit of Spanish too.
Ice Skate: I'm terrible at it!
Swim: Yep! I was on a swim team for three years, and loved almost every minute of it! (Like the sarcasm? It was a love hate relationship.)
Paint: I like to use paint on the computer, but I can't really paint.
Write: Yes, all the time!
Ski: Snowboard
Juggle: I can't!
Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: Never!
Been Drunk Before Noon: Never been drunk ever, not only that, I've never had a sip of alcohol.
Been Arrested: No!
Littered: Not that I can remember, and never purposefully if I did.
Cheated In A Relationship: Never had one, but I wouldn't do that.
Failed A Class: Nope!
Stuck Gum Under A Desk: No, gross!
Wished You Were Someone Else: Yes, someone invisible (at very embarrassing times, I can turn so red!)
Cried During A Movie: Yes, four I believe. Bridge to Terabithia, Charlie, the Joseph Smith movie, and Tuck Everlasting (that was so dumb of me to cry during that one!!)
Describe Yourself In One Word: Me!(haha, really creative huh?)
Biggest Fear: Hurting anyone and vise versa.
Biggest Mistake: Trusting people too easily. I am really gullible, and I believe that everybody tells me the truth all the time.
Your Proudest Accomplishment: Student of the month (Thanks Mr. T!)
#1 Priority In Your Life: I have 3 number one priorities! Family, friends, and church.
Dream Job: Graphic design artist
Special Talents: Instruments, soccer (when I'm awake enough to play,) and designing things.
Where Would You Rather Be: School
Famous Person You Want To Meet: I would rather meet somebody that's died than somebody alive right now.
Place To Visit Before You Die: England
Song Played At Your Funeral: Don't worry, be happy!
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