This is a pretty sad but true little story. In English all of Mr.T's classes are reading "Nothing but The Truth." If you aren't in Mr. T's English class then you might as well stop reading because this won't make sense to you, sorry! I have been siding with Philip all along. Even though I can't stand his personality, he apparently relates to me in his "patriotic" ways.
Kaysville Junior High is very different from Fairfield when it comes to announcements. Kaysville has announcements every morning. Every Monday morning they always did the pledge of allegiance. So when I came to Fairfield and they played "The Star Spangled Banner" I was thoroughly surprised and happy for the change.
I was so used to reciting the pledge of allegiance that for some weird reason I thought that we were supposed to sing the national anthem. So I was just standing in my student government class on the first Friday at Fairfield with my hand over my heart belting out the song. The song had just entered into the high pitched part when I realized that I was the only one singing. I covered my mouth in surprise, but then I ended up covering my face in embarrassment. I'm not trying to insult myself, but in all honesty I would be the next William Hung if I was ever to try out for American Idol! That was pretty embarrassing!
HAHAHAH! Oh my... I started laughing out loud for reals! (when I finished reading your blog; don't worry, I can't sing either!)
Hee hee hee, that's funny.
I think your voice is "lovely" JOJO.
Congrats on Student of the Month! I think that story is hilarious!
Thanks! ^_^
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