This is a funny thing that my mom showed me last year.
In Star Wars they have some pretty funky names like Obi-One-Kenobi. Well ever wondered what your funky Star Wars name would sound like? Read this blog and find out.
Step 1 Take the first three letters of your last name
Step 2 Take the first two letters of your first name.
You have now made your first name in Star Wars language, now to make a last name.
Step 3 Take the first two letters of your mom's maiden name
Step 4 Take the first three letters of the city that you were born in.
You now have an awesome Star Wars name, hope you like it! If you wouldn't mind, I would like to hear what your names are!
Sarham Phury. Ha! That's about as weird as it gets.
Lol! For me it's Watbe Lilaw
Garma Tasta, haha that's pretty cool:P
Goodness Gracious, you always have something on your awesome blog to confound my poor, inferior mind. (j.k.) Mine is pretty bad, Wri-Je-Fihua
Ha ha! Mine is Lyni Fusal! LOL
Croas Lifor. It sounds ugly.
It depends on how you say it! It sounds pretty cool if you say it with an English accent. Lol ^_^
LOL! Mines Herit Galos
Corje Despr! That is really weird! I had to read and reread that a few times before I got it.
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