This is a rather embarrassing moment for me, but it has a good moral, always stick up for your friends. I hate it when people pick on people smaller than them, it really sets me off. Because when I was younger I was always the runt of the bunch.
My Dad is in the military, so he has lots of military friends. But one of his friends is special to our family. His name is Charlie, and he is like the Uncle that I never had. He lived right next to us, and his son was like a cousin to me.
Earlier I told you that my dad was in the army. That meant that we had to move around a lot. So after about eight years of being together, our family was separated from the Becks. Fortunately a month later the Becks were forced to move to Colorado, which meant that we were only one state apart. And just like normal families do, they came to visit us every year, and that first year is where our story begins.
When the Becks arrived to our house, they were really tired and hungry. We decided to take them out to eat at McDonald's. I was totally thrilled; I thought play pins and toys were really cool.
We arrived at McDonalds in about ten minutes. Me and my cousin Derek ran for the play pin, and dove into the colorful plastic balls. Little did we know that there was someone else playing there. There were two gigantic, brawny, sixth graders who looked like they would stomp on us.
Big, brawny sixth graders didn't intimidate me, so I just went on playing. But Derek just stood and stared, he was terrified of those scary looking kids.
"What are you staring at?" demanded that fat one with his hat on backwards.
"I was just... um... err....." muttered Derek nervously.
"Get him!" the big kid commanded. Together the two bullies began throwing the plastic balls as hard as they could at Derek's head.
Finally I took notice of the situation. I stood up to my fullest height, which was about three feet. Angrily I put my hands on my hips. Loudly I shrieked in my high, shrill, five year old voice.
"Back off Barbie!" It was like they were struck by lightning. Dumbly they stared at me with their mouths gaping. Their arms froze, and the balls dropped from their hands. Finally after about ten seconds they stirred.
"Let's go!" they cried. And they ran screaming like little girls out of the restaurant.
My Dad is in the military, so he has lots of military friends. But one of his friends is special to our family. His name is Charlie, and he is like the Uncle that I never had. He lived right next to us, and his son was like a cousin to me.
Earlier I told you that my dad was in the army. That meant that we had to move around a lot. So after about eight years of being together, our family was separated from the Becks. Fortunately a month later the Becks were forced to move to Colorado, which meant that we were only one state apart. And just like normal families do, they came to visit us every year, and that first year is where our story begins.
When the Becks arrived to our house, they were really tired and hungry. We decided to take them out to eat at McDonald's. I was totally thrilled; I thought play pins and toys were really cool.
We arrived at McDonalds in about ten minutes. Me and my cousin Derek ran for the play pin, and dove into the colorful plastic balls. Little did we know that there was someone else playing there. There were two gigantic, brawny, sixth graders who looked like they would stomp on us.
Big, brawny sixth graders didn't intimidate me, so I just went on playing. But Derek just stood and stared, he was terrified of those scary looking kids.
"What are you staring at?" demanded that fat one with his hat on backwards.
"I was just... um... err....." muttered Derek nervously.
"Get him!" the big kid commanded. Together the two bullies began throwing the plastic balls as hard as they could at Derek's head.
Finally I took notice of the situation. I stood up to my fullest height, which was about three feet. Angrily I put my hands on my hips. Loudly I shrieked in my high, shrill, five year old voice.
"Back off Barbie!" It was like they were struck by lightning. Dumbly they stared at me with their mouths gaping. Their arms froze, and the balls dropped from their hands. Finally after about ten seconds they stirred.
"Let's go!" they cried. And they ran screaming like little girls out of the restaurant.
That is so funny! Doesn't it feel good to stand up for yourself and your friends?!
It sure does, and in this case it makes a funny story! ^_^
LOL That is great!!! You are so awesome to do that!!! Like your blog with the lilies! ;D
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