Angrily I pounded my fist on my pillow. Usually my sister and I never fought, but today she was being really annoying.
"Jojo, clean up the bathroom!" I winced at her high pitched shrieking voice.
"It's your bathroom too! And all of that stuff is yours!" I retorted angrily. Suddenly I stopped arguing with her. Something nasty was trickling into my open mouth. Hurriedly I wiped my hand across my thin mouth, it was covered in blood. My sister was still yelling furiously at me.
"Josie," I interrupted.
"I think my nose is bleeding!" I said as blood dribbled onto my dark blue Old Navy t-shirt.
"Oh," said Josie all of her frustration draining out of her.
"Pinch your nose Jojo, I'll go get dad." I pinched my nose so tightly that it hurt, but that didn't help my nostrils started pouring blood out of both sides.
"Jojo, Jojo," my dad called.
"Here this will help it stop." he said reassuringly as he pinched my nose for me with a white rag. Being a ten year old I trusted in my dad completely. Grown ups were always right, right? But this time he was wrong. My nose was not going to stop bleeding, I had broken a blood vessel. My precious little time was ticking away as me and my dad sat on the couch trying to get it to stop. If it weren't for my dad I would have started to panic.
"So are you excited to be in the parade today?" he asked me calmly trying to get my injury off of my mind.
"Yeah, but I don't know if I'll be able to walk, dad I'm starting to feel light headed. The blood isn't stopping!" I cried a note of hysteria creeping into my voice.
"Now now, calm down Jojo it's only been twenty minutes. I think that you're right that this is a little more serious than a nose bleed, but don't be scared, I'm going to take you to the hospital."
"Josie!" my dad called commandingly."Take over the pinching job and hop into the car with me, we're taking Jojo to the..." he lowered his voice and whispered in Josie's ear. But having pretty good ears I heard what he said anyway. We were going not just to the hospital, but to the emergency room.
"Am I going to die?" I asked my dad.
"Of course not!" he exclaimed, but he did not smile. The ride to the hospital was all a blur. I remember that my sister was crying, and that she apologized for arguing with me. But the hardest thing about the trip was staying awake. My eyelids felt like they weighed as heavy as hundred pound weights.
"Stay awake!" my sister would constantly beg me. Finally we made it to the hospital, and my dad carried me in. My dad jogged to the front desk carrying me like a rag doll and spoke quietly to the lady who worked there.
"We don't have any rooms open right now, you'll have to wait for ten minutes." said the barbie like lady chewing her bubble gum obnoxiously. And then as an after thought she added.
"You can set her over there for now." she pointed to a big grey table with little wheels on it.
"Thanks." responded my dad. He gently set me on the table, and Josie adjusted the once white rag, it had turned into a nasty shade of maroon.Ten miserable minutes later I was rolled into a perfectly clean emergency room. I wondered what the last person to come through had suffered from. Had they survived? Would I?
"How long has this been bleeding for?" questioned the tired looking doctor.
"About forty five minutes."
"Well well, it looks like we have a broken blood vessel." he started digging through a big white cupboard that would have been a good place to hide if you were playing hide-and go-seek. Carefully he shoved a tiny green bottle up my nose and started squirting a nasty smelling yellow liquid into it. Hey, I could smell something other than blood! The blood finally stopped. And that was the end of the day that I almost died.
Whoa that is really scary; I'm so glad that you're here :D
I just realized that my spell checker is not working! I'm not that great at spelling so you'll have to forgive me. Thanks!
Wow! Dramatic story...and told very well! Nice blog!
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