If any of you are fans of my blog, I apologize. I have not posted anything in nearly two months. Yes, that is my fault, I am the author of course. It's not that I don't want to post, it's just that I don't have time. It seems like my life isn't about me anymore; it's about "the band." What band? One of the country's best marching bands! Every day after school over two hundred kids get together to be yelled at and do push-ups for three hours straight. But to tell you the truth, it isn't as bad as it sounds. Although my life's priorities are a little mixed up with marching band taking up all my time, I can't deny that I love every minute of it.
Now I've had a few people ask me, "What do you guys do?" I just respond simply, "Work on our field show of course." As if everyone would instantly know what I was talking about... Well I've come to find out that generally when people grin and nod, they don't really understand. So for everyones sake (yes, you too Mojo,) I've posted a link to where you can see our crazy "field show." It's really fun to watch, and even funner to march! So just click on the top of the youtube link that I've posted to see what band kids consider something worth sweating over.
I'm sorry if the show doesn't load on your computer, sometimes it loads very slowly, and sometimes it doesn't load at all.